


  • Green Campus has a bi-monthly sustainability newsletter that accepts submissions for events or updates.
  • Scan the QR code below or click here to subscribe to the Newsletter
  • Subscribe to the Sustainability Newsletter
  • If you would like an event, announcement or update posted to the Sustainability newsletter scan the QR code below or click here to see the submission form.
  • Sustainability Newsletter Submission Form




  • For certain events Green Campus requires the help from volunteers dedicated to sustainability across the campus. Volunteers typically help with set-up, take-down or tabling.
  • This is a way to get involved with Green Campus that is low commitment and occasional.

Sustainability Club

Sustainability Club

Sustainability Club

  • The Sustainability club is run by CCAT and Green Campus, it is dedicated to creating a more sustainable campus and lifestyle.
  • The club meets every other Friday and it is a great way to make connections with both Green Campus and CCAT











  • Other on campus organizations can collaborate with Green Campus for events by contacting us through email or Instagram.
  • Some examples of events Green Campus has collaborated on include the Trashin' Show, Sustaina-Ball and multiple Swap Meets.

For Credit Intern

For Credit Intern

For Credit Intern

  • When employees of Green Campus need some extra help, For-Credit interns are brought on for various projects.
  • For-Credit Interns can get anywhere between 1-3 units of credit for their work with Green Campus depending on how many hours they work.

Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

  • Green Campus has many job opportunities for students year round.
  • Keep an eye out on Handshake for any new openings.